At IDA, we always say that our work is about “more than a shoe”. It’s about being seen in the sport and knowing that someone’s looking out for your needs.

From a design perspective, we love to start conversations around the differences in men’s and women’s feet and our unique biomechanics on the field. We also love to use IDA to start conversations around mental health, badass trailblazers, limb differences, and now…


This fall we are so excited to introduce our IDA Rise Limited Edition Breast Self Pack that supports the work of Know Your Lemons® to expand conversations around breast health and support early detection of breast cancer. 

We all know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, but Know Your Lemons® believes that conversations need to go beyond pink and beyond awareness, to be all encompassing of breast health issues and bodily knowledge. 

From educational resources that are engaging, to quizzes that are fun and empowering, to an app that is useful for tracking and doesn’t sell your data(!!), Know Your Lemons® believes that knowledge is power. 

“If you empower women with knowledge… we take action!” 

– Irene Benson, Director of Development at Know Your Lemons®

Put simply… 

  • the more we learn about our breasts, talk about our breasts, and share resources 

  • the earlier we might detect changes and abnormalities

  • the greater the survival rates from breast cancer 

In our own arena of sports gear, IDA feels the same. The more we understand our bodies and biomechanics from top to bottom, the more we take action in finding footwear that works for us. 

Our Donation

From now through the end of February 2025, IDA is donating $10 for every pair sold from the Limited Edition Breast Self Pack to Know Your Lemons®. The limited edition pack features the IDA Rise Elite FG/AG cleats and the IDA Rise Turf shoes. Available exclusively in the US at this time. You can also contribute to their life-saving work by adding an additional $5 Donation to your cart

Let’s expand the conversations around breast health, better understand our bodies, and support early detection!

Visit Know Your Lemons® online to… 

  • Learn about the 12 symptoms of breast cancer… more than a lump!
  • Take the Quiz to see how well you know your breasts
  • Download the app to learn how to self exam and receive monthly notifications
  • Learn about how to bring Know Your Lemons® to your workplace!